Говорит Москва

Говорит Москва


Moscow Says (Говорит Москва) – The information radio station, part of the Radio Center, first went on the air on February 10, 2014. The radio station is aimed at residents of the capital, and primarily at motorists, in the broadcasting network of current news, analytical programs, journalism, music and thematic programs. The musical content of the air is popular music of the Soviet times and today. The broadcasting frequency in Moscow is 94.8 FM.

Address: Москва, ул. 3-я Хорошевская, дом 12, пом. 22
Phone: +7 (495) 950-62-26
Email: info@govoritmoskva.ru
VK: vk.com/govoritmoskvafm
Telegram: telegram.me/radiogovoritmoskva
Instagram: instagram.com/govoritmoskva

Info of The Station

Name : Говорит Москва
Location : Russia
Language :  Russian
Social Link : Twitter, Facebook. wikipedia
Website : govoritmoskva.ru

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