101.RU – Muslim Magomayev (101 RU – Муслим Магомаев) Muslim Magometovich Magomayev could be your gold voice of the age, a typical illustration of world outspoken! His name is going to be recalled for years and years because he’s mythical! His genius was known ancient: celebrity came into Muslim Magometovich in 1-9, also in 3 1 – he turned into a People’s Artist of the USSR. A guy who can be called the pride of the country. But that ? Magomayev himself “Azerbaijan is the dad, Russia is the mum.” His sonorous baritone drove each of the women of the Soviet Union mad. The sexual emblem of the USSR!
Address: РФ, 117105, г. Москва, Варшавское шоссе, дом 9, строение 1А (корпус Гастелло, БЦ «Даниловская мануфактура»)
Phone: +7-495-258-33-44
Email: copyright@vkpm.ru
+7 (495) 921-40-41
Info of The Station
Name : 101.RU – Муслим Магомаев
Location : Russia
Language : Russian
Social Link : Facebook, Wikipedia
Website : 101.ru