101 RU – DubStep – Every year, but what a year there, every month dubstep is gaining more and more popularity! Born at the beginning of the XXI century from the urban “garage”, this music, due to its relative youth, is still only emerging as a genre. But there are already distinctive features.
Address: РФ, 117105, г. Москва, Варшавское шоссе, дом 9, строение 1А (корпус Гастелло, БЦ «Даниловская мануфактура»)
Phone: +7-495-258-33-44
Email: copyright@vkpm.ru
+7 (495) 921-40-41
Info of The Station
Name : 101.RU – DubStep
Location : Russia
Language : Russian
Social Link : Facebook, Wikipedia
Website : 101.ru