Iman Rajawali Terbang Radio

Iman Rajawali Terbang Radio


Iman Rajawali Terbang Radio is located in the city of Medan, North Sumatra (Indonesia) with an address on Jl. Roses XXI Gg. Thanks to No.2, Koserna Pasar 5-Padang Bulan Medan. Through this Internet Radio service, we have a vision of wanting to witness the appearance of God’s chosen people, those who are called the Bride of Christ of the End Times, before His very approaching day arrives to lift His Church in meeting in that glorious air.

Info of The Station

Name :  Iman Rajawali Terbang Radio
Location : Indonesia
Language : Indonesian
Social Link : Twitter, Facebook
Website :
Iman Rajawali Terbang Radio
Iman Rajawali Terbang Radio
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