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Mariah Carey - Without you (1993)
Patricia Kaas - Il me dit que je suis belle (1993)
Guns N' Roses - Knockin' on heaven's door (1992)
Goo Goo Dolls - Iris (1998)
The Monroes - How strong is your love (1985)
A ha - October (1986)
Glenn Frey - True love (1988)
The Alan Parsons Project - Eye in the sky (1982)
Grant Miller - (Find my) Tracks in the snow (1988)
Marcel Fobert & Folie Club - Rapfolie (Extended Vocal Version) (1984)
Kazino - Sahara woman (Maxi version) (1985)
Boney M - Megamix '93
Tom Petty - A face in the crowd (1989)
Phil Collins - Can't stop loving you (2002)
Guesch Patti - Etienne (1987)
Diego Modena & Jean Philippe Audin - Song of Ocarina (1991)
Errol Brown - This time it's forever (Maxi version) (1992)
David Meece - Over you (1993)
Alizee - A contre courant (2003)
Kaiser Chiefs - Indoor firework (2016)